Thursday, July 29, 2010

Still Under the Weather

I am still under the weather with a bad case of bronchitis.  There hasn't been much stitching going on, or much of anything else for that matter.  I have had difficulty with bronchitis for most of my life.  The only reason I can subscribe this to is the fact that I have allergies.  Of course, I lived with heavy smokers for the first thirty years of my life, and that probably plays a role, as well.

This is a little block that I wanted to post.  It later became a small quilt, or quilt-lette, if you prefer.  The fabrics that make up the block were all painted with oil-based paintsticks applied directly to solid black fabric.  I remember that I really had a ball painting that fabric and making that block.  

There are many reasons to quilt.  Many writers have probably expressed why they quilt better than I can, at least right now when I am so under the weather.  But, I do remember very well making this block and the sheer joy I felt when making it from fabrics that i had painted myself.

My wish for you today is that you experience great joy in your quilting and other creative endeavors.  Creating is truly a joy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Under the Weather

This is my Louis.  He's just hanging out in this picture, keeping me company.  I have been sick for awhile now with a really bad sinus and upper respiratory infection.  These infections are pretty much the bane of my existence and this one is pretty persistent.  I have finished one course of heavy duty antibiotics, plus a short course of steroids, and am getting worse again.  Right now, I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor's office.

I am pretty sure that the high heat and humidity levels are at the root of this bout of sickness, and that's with being in the air conditioning most of the time.  I know that the entire country is suffering in this heat, so my 
wish for all is that you stay cool and healthy during this very hot summer.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Painting Fabric

This is a quilt I finished last year.  It is based on a small sketch from my sketchbook I made several years before that.  The lighter colored fabrics are fabrics that I painted with setacolor paints.  If you have never worked with fabric paints before, these are great fun to use.  It is easy to get great marbled effects with them, as well as salt prints.  They are very easy to use, water based, and very color fast.  You can also use them  to make solar prints.  If you've never tried painting fabric, it's really great fun.  I love doing it.

Speaking of painting fabrics, I also used paint sticks on this piece and had a really good time with them.  Paint sticks, too, are very easy to use, but they are not water based.  They are actually oil paints in a stick form.  There is a film on them that acts as a sealer of sorts.  You must peal that sealer off to use them.   I have viewed several demonstrations of using them.  In the demonstrations, the paint is put on a palette and applied to fabric with a stencil brush.  I have used this technique, but, on this quilt, have applied the paint sticks directly to the quilt.  They blend beautifully and are are dream to use.  I have not used them recently, but hope to again, soon.

This quilt also included the use of a commercial stamp and has beaded embellishments.

I have not made anything from my sketchbook in a long time.  Do you keep a sketch book?  If you do, I would be very interested in hearing about it.  Thanks for reading.

Keep stitching in peace and tranquility.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Getting Backk

Hello!  Although I haven't posted in awhile, I have been busy.  I entered the contest for the Alliance for American Quilt.  The theme was based on new favorites from old and this is my entry.  The contest is over, so I am thinking it is ok to post my entry on my blog now.  You can see all of the entries, which are absolutely amazing, on their website www.allianceforamericanquits.coml  This quilt kept me really busy because it is so heavily stitched, mostly by hand.  The buttons were pretty time consuming to add, as well.

Now, what, you may be asking yourself, does this quilt have to do with the theme of the contest?  Well, the theme could also represent things other than a specific quilt block or pattern.  My idea was based on how my thinking regarding art has changed over the years.  As an eager high school student, I thought there was no better painter than Andrew Wyeth; however, Time has taught me many lessons and I can now appreciate much more abstract work.  So, I drew and painted the flowers from a photo I took (my love of realism) and then attempted to make the surrounding area much more abstract.  I titled the piece "Evolution" to represent my change of thought.  I hope you enjoy seeing it.

I really have to share that this was very difficult for me to do.  I have no trouble making things for myself or my family; however, sharing with others is much more difficult for me.  And to enter something into a contest nearly put me over the edge!  I think that's why I haven't posted in such a while.  But I have been busy working on my crazy quilt star.  So, here are some photos of how that work is going.

These ae some of the points of the star I have been working on.  The one on the right in the picture above is not quite done, but I am out of ribbon and have to order some more.  Here is a picture of how the finished points look when placed next to the main block of the star.

I hope you enjoy seeing this.  Keep quilting!  It's the cure for what ails you!