Sunday, January 3, 2010

Now That the Holidays are Over

It is good to be back at the computer and posting again.  The holiday season became so busy that I was unable to post anything.  But the holidays are over ( well, not if you celebrate 12th night) and I am back at my post.  It seems every year I say to myself that I am not going to make any gifts, and yet every year, I wind up making them despite my resolution.  This year I made some crazy patched hearts for some of my friends at school.  Here are some photos of them before I added the hangers to them:

These were fun to make, but I stitched furiously to get them done to give my friends before Christmas and the break at school.  It was actually a great experience, apart from making them as gifts.  Working on a small project under a deadline is a great way to practice your skills in a new way.  I loved working on them and am hoping to try some more of them in the future.

I have also finished my block in progress.  This square block is the center of what will be an eight pointed star.  Here is a picture of the block and a picture of the flower spray I incorporated into the block:

I have started piecing the points of the star and will post them soon.  In the meantime, I want to start a small project that will be a lot of fun.  For Christmas, my son, who has a very good job in the advertising field, bought me an IPod touch.  It is a wonderful little gizmo that is actually a small hand-held computer.  I have started using it for school and have entered many meetings, etc. on the calendar function.  One of the best features is that it is a voice recorder.  I can now record those thoughts/ideas/ things I need to remember that occur to me when riding in the car and are quickly forgotten due to a faulty memory.  So, my plan is to make a little purse to wear around my neck to keep it handy and safe at school.  I will post a picture when it is done.

I hope that everyone had a blessed and happy Christmas and my wish is that everyone have a safe, happy, and very healthy new year.  Keep quilting in peace and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb, have just discovered your blog, so your quilt must be quite advanced by this. Love the colours, and the ribbon embroideries. Have you decided on the background yet...burgundy came to my mind, but I am not an expert in putting quilt colours together.
